| Prof. Dr. Lutz Mattner
FB 4 - Mathematik
Universität Trier
54286 Trier, Deutschland
Mathematische Stochastik
Raum : E 203
Telefon: (0651) 201-3506
e-mail : mattner@uni-trier.de
Zu meinen Vorlesungen Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung I und II
gibt es ein Skript, auf StudIP für die zur jeweiligen Vorlesung angemeldeten
Hörer, sowie, vielleicht weniger aktuell, frei hier: Skriptversion vom 2024-07-17.
Hinweise auf Fehler und andere Unzulänglichkeiten werden stets dankbar entgegengenommen.
Demnächst von mir angebotene Vertiefungsveranstaltungen,
basierend auf einer Vorlesung Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie:
Im Wintersemester 2024/25: Mathematische Statistik, (4+2)-stündig, Übungen zusammen mit Lea Willems,
dienstags 8-10 und mittwochs 8-12.
Abschlussarbeiten vergebe ich vorzugsweise auf der Grundlage auch bei mir absolvierter
Vertiefungsveranstaltungen. Beispielsweise bildet eine Vorlesung Mathematische Statistik,
idealerweise ergänzt durch ein verwandtes Seminar, eine natürliche
Grundlage für eine Bachelorarbeit im Bereich der Mathematischen Statistik.
Sehr gute Studienabschlussarbeiten führen manchmal recht direkt zu Publikationen, wie die weiter unten
stehenden Nummern 35 und 31 sowie die bei Springer Spektrum in der Reihe "Best Masters" erschienenen
Henning Höllwarth (2015).
Beiträge zur Mathematischen Stichprobentheorie. Statistische Modellbildung
mit Stichprobendesigns und anderen Morphismen.
(Geleitwort dazu)
Achim Mees (2015).
Zur Robustheit von Konfidenzbereichen und Tests für Erwartungswerte.
(Geleitwort dazu)
Ein Leserbrief (Herbst 2014):
Also existiert Gott!
Ausführlichere Fassung eines auf Seite 990 im
Dezemberheft 2014 von
Forschung und Lehre gekürzt erschienenen Leserbriefes;
dieser bezieht sich auf eine "mathematische Knobelei" von Christian Hesse mit dem Titel "Wahrheit"
Oktoberheft auf Seite 871, dort Aufgabe 2.
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics,
see also here,
a journal founded in 1970 by A.V. Skorokhod, was up to 2019
a translation of the Ukranian original, but is now since 2020 published in
English only, jointly by the American Mathematical Society and
by Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
I happen to be on its Editorial Board.
My purely mathematical research interests are in mathematical statistics,
in probability theory, and in related parts of mathematical analysis.
Currently I am working in particular on various stochastic inequalities,
including confidence regions and error bounds in the central limit theorem,
and also on a formalisation of the von Mises approach to
probability (as used to some extent in my lecture notes on
Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung available above).
My research in applied mathematics so far mostly concerned statistics
in infection control and hospital epidemiology.
Mathematical papers (with one or two links to be fixed):
For the most recent ones see the
Google Scholar.
Earlier ones:
38. (with Irina Shevtsova)
An optimal Berry-Esseen type theorem for expectations of smooth functions.
ALEA, Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
16, 487-530 (2019).
[arXiv preprint].
Combining individually valid and conditionally i.i.d. P-variables.
[arXiv preprint].
36. (with
Gerard Letac and Mauro Piccioni)
The median of an exponential family and the normal law.
Statistics and Probability Letters 133, 38-41 (2018).
[arXiv preprint].
35. (with
Jona Schulz)
On normal approximations to symmetric hypergeometric laws.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 370(1), 727-748 (2018).
[arXiv preprint].
34. (with Irina Shevtsova)
An optimal Berry-Esseen type inequality for expectations of smooth functions.
Doklady Akademii Nauk 474, 535-539 (in Russian, 2017),
Doklady Mathematics 95, 250-253 (in English, 2017).
33. (with
Christoph Tasto)
Confidence intervals for average success probabilities.
Probability and Mathematical Statistics 35, 301-312 (2015).
32. (with
Abram M. Kagan
and Yaakov Malinovsky)
Partially complete sufficient statistics are jointly complete.
Theory of Probability and Its Applications 59,
Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya
59, 542-561 (2014).
[arXiv preprint].
31. (with Todor Dinev)
The asymptotic Berry-Esseen constant for intervals.
Theory of Probability and Its Applications 57,
Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya
57, 381-384 (2012).
[arXiv preprint].
30. (with
Frauke Mattner)
Confidence bounds for the sensitivity lack of a less specific diagnostic test,
without gold standard.
Metrika 76, 239-263 (2013).
[arXiv preprint].
29. (with
Uwe Rösler)
Optimal L$^1$-bounds for submartingales.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
139 735-746 (2011).
[arXiv preprint].
28. One optional observation inflates $\alpha$ by
$100/\sqrt{n}$ per cent.
Metrika 73, 43-59 (2011) .
[arXiv preprint].
27. (with
Achim Klenke)
Stochastic ordering of classical discrete distributions.
Advances in Applied Probability 42, 392-410 (2010).
[arXiv preprint].
Inequality (1.11) of the published version, which is
(1.13) in the preprint, should be reversed.
Sums of norm spheres are norm shells and lower triangle inequalities are sharp.
Mathematische Semesterberichte 57, 11-16 (2010).
[arXiv preprint].
25. (with Bero Roos)
Maximal probabilities of convolution powers of discrete uniform distributions.
Statistics and Probability Letters 78, no. 17,
2992-2996 (2008).
[arXiv preprint].
Lower bounds for tails of sums of independent symmetric random variables.
Theory of Probability and Its Applications 53,
No. 2, 334-339,
Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya 53,
No. 2, 397-403 (2008).
[arXiv preprint].
23. (with Christian Hipp)
On the normal approximation to symmetric binomial distributions.
Theory of Probability and Its Applications 52, No. 3, 516-523,
Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya 52,
No. 3, 610-617 (2007).
[A preprint version (pdf)]
22. (with Bero Roos )
A shorter proof of Kanter's Bessel function concentration bound.
Probability Theory and Related Fields 139, 191-205 (2007).
[arXiv preprint].
21. Cumulants are universal homomorphisms into Hausdorff groups.
Probability Theory and Related Fields
130, 151-166 (2004). Pdf-file as published
A preprint version:
20. Mean absolute deviations of sample means and minimally concentrated
Annals of Probability 31, 914-925 (2003).
[Pdf-file as published, with expectation sign missing in first displayed formula on page 917]
19. Minimal sufficient order statistics in convex models.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
129, 3401-3411 (2001).
A preprint version: [pdf-file], [dvi-file] .
18. Complex differentiation under the integral.
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde
5/2, 32-35 (2001).
17. Minimal sufficient statistics in location-scale
parameter models.
Bernoulli 6, 1121-1134 (2000).
16. Product measurability, parameter integrals, and a Fubini counterexample.
L'Enseignement Mathématique
45, 271-279 (1999).
A preprint version:
15. Sufficiency, exponential families, and algebraically
independent numbers.
Mathematical Methods of Statistics
8, 397-406 (1999).
A preprint version (ps-file).
14. What are cumulants?
Documenta Mathematica 4, 601-622 (1999). [Article freely available as dvi or ps-file]
13. On Burdick's symmetry problem.
Mathematical Methods of Statistics 8, 109-118 (1999).
A preprint version (ps-file).
12. Remarkable asymmetric random walks.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 127, 1847-1854 (1999).
11. Strict definiteness of integrals via complete monotonicity of derivatives.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 349, 3321-3342 (1997).
10. Optimal unbiased means, polynomial moment relations, and natural exponential families.
Statistics and Decisions 14, 343-352 (1996).
A preprint version (ps-file).
9. Complete order statistics in parametric models.
Annals of Statistics 24, 1265-1282 (1996).
8. (with Martin Reinders) Optimal unbiased estimators
in additive models with bounded errors are deterministic.
Theory of Probability and Its Applications
40, 772-777,
Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya
40, 934-938 (1995).
Pdf-file as published
Mean unbiased medians, median unbiased means, and symmetric random walks.
Mathematical Methods of Statistics 4, 99-105 (1995) and 6, 517 (1997).
6. Some incomplete but boundedly complete location families.
of Statistics 21, 2158-2162 (1993).
5. (with Udo Kamps) An identity for expectations of functions of order statistics.
Metrika 40, 361-365 (1993).
Bernstein's theorem, inversion formula of Post and Widder, and the uniqueness theorem for Laplace transforms.
Expositiones Mathematicae 11, 137-140 (1993).
Extremal problems for probability distributions: a general method and some examples.
Stochastic Inequalities
, M. Shaked and Y.L. Tong, eds., Proceedings of the Joint AMS-IMS-SIAM
Summer Research Conference on Stochastic Inequalities, Seattle, Washington,
July 1991.
IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series Vol. 22, pp. 274-283 (1992).
In Theorem 2 on page 280, the 6 under the square
root should be a 12.
2. Completeness of location families, translated moments, and uniqueness of charges.
Probability Theory and Related Fields 92, 137-149 (1992).
1. Covariance bounds for unimodal distributions and a characterization of uniformity.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 38, 204-212 (1991).
Behandlung einiger Extremalprobleme für Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen.
Dissertation, Universität Hannover (1990).
In German, 62 pages, 8 chapters.
Main results of chapters 1 - 6 (about 50 pages) summarised in paper 3 above, auxiliary section
3.2 (8 pages) superseded by paper 11, chapter 7 (5 pages) superseded by paper 1,
chaper 8 (3 pages) by paper 4.
Applied papers:
Frauke Mattner,
Ingo Winterfeld,
Lutz Mattner:
Diagnosing toxigenic C. difficile:
new confidence bounds show culturing increases sensitivity of
toxin A/B EIA, and refute gold standards.
Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 8 pages
(online 2012).
[Preprint version from Oct 2011],
[a version online here since Oct 2010, with a different title].
C. Astaras,
S. Krause,
L. Mattner, C. Rehse, M. Waltert:
Associations between the drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus) and
sympatric primates in Korup National Park, Cameroon.
American Journal of Primatology 73(2), 127-134
(print 2011, online 2010).
F. Mattner, I. Winterfeld, L. Mattner:
Sensitivitätsgewinn beim Testen auf toxigene Clostridium difficile durch
drei kommerzielle Kulturmedien.
Der Mikrobiologe
19(5), 171-176 (2009).
S. Krause, L. Mattner,
R. James,
T. Guttridge, M.J. Corcoran,
S.H. Gruber,
J. Krause:
Social network analysis and valid Markov chain Monte Carlo tests of null models.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
63, 1089-1096 (print & online 2009).
A preprint version:
Mattner F, Bitz F, Goedecke M, Viertel A, Kuhn S, Mattner L, Biertz F, Heim A,
Henke-Gendo C, Engelmann I, Martens A, Strueber M:
Adverse effects of rabies pre- and postexposure prophylaxis in 290
health-care-workers exposed to a rabies infected organ donor or transplant
Infection 35, 219-224 (print & online 2007).
F. Mattner, I.F. Chaberny, L. Mattner, P. Gastmeier, R. Teßmann, und M. Strüber:
Infektionsprävention und -Surveillance bei Kunstherzpatienten.
Der Anaesthesist 56, 429-436 (print & online 2007).
Frauke Mattner, Anna S. Rüden, Lutz Mattner, Iris F. Chaberny, Stefan
Ziesing, Martin Strueber und Petra Gastmeier:
Thoracic organ transplantation may not increase the risk of bacterial transmission in intensive care
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
210 (2), 139-145 (print 2007, online 2006).
Frauke Mattner, Iris F.Chaberny, H. Weißbrodt, S. Fischer, P. Gastmeier,
B. Haubitz, J. Gottlieb, L. Mattner und Martin Strueber:
Surveillance invasiver Fadenpilzmykosen in lungentransplantierten Patienten: Effekt antimikotischer Prophylaxe mit Itraconazol
und Voriconazol.
Mycoses 48 (Suppl. 1), 51-55 (2005).
Frauke Mattner, Lutz Mattner, Hans Ulrich Borck and Petra Gastmeier:
Evaluation of the impact of the source (patient versus staff) on nosocomial norovirus outbreak severity.
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology
26 (3) 268-272 (2005). [pdf-file]
[Based on a preprint titled "Nosocomial norovirus outbreak severities depend on the index
case: patient or staff".]
A1. Frauke Mattner, Lutz Mattner and Iris Chaberny:
No evidence for effectiveness of ClO2-generating gloves.
Clinical Infectious Diseases 39 (6), 874 (2004). [pdf-file]